Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog gone off the rails?

Lola saying hi to uncle Sean.

Hmmm.....just trying to sort things out with this blog - it's having issues.....

L'il Miss Lol has been sick this week with a cold - grumpy girl. She woke up this morning in a good mood (and no seizures so far...) so we'll see how the day progresses.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

afraid to jinx things....

Lola had only one seizure today. That's it. One. She had the same one that she has every morning at 8 am, just before meds, just before breakfast.

Is it the result of the ivig? The decreased epival? The addition of half a Topamax at night? It's worth noting that when we put her into her booster seat at supper, there was a shiny, red 25o mg divalproex sodium sitting in her seat - so she'd spit it out at breakfast and we didn't notice? Or at supper last night? Is that the reason??

We're perplexed. And so incredibly thankful. And hopeful.
Keep those prayers coming.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What a day...

This picture pretty much sums up our day.
Checking out Treehouse, eating a wagon wheel - that's how she rolls.

Lola in Happy Meal heaven....notice the fries all over her lap - couldn't stuff 'em in fast enough.

Good ole Liam had this costume on when we came home, and sang us "Five Little Leprechauns". So funny. He's quite a character.

Lola had her sedated MRI this morning - and what a nightmare that was. Actually, things were fine once we finally got in there, however, the 2 plus hour wait with a screaming,starving 3 year old who didn't get to take her am seizure meds (though I'd explained the situation to the MRI staff over the phone, neurologist, etc.) get the picture. Have you ever heard Lola cry? Let me tell you, it's an experience - it sounds like a raptor stuck in the brakes of a car. No joke. Anyway, yeah. Fun. So we got through that, and were sent up to Medical Day Treatment - Lola had a seizure on the way up. Great. We got set up there, I force fed her her meds (always fun) and she fell asleep. We were so thankful for that two hour reprieve from the screaming - and so happy that she actually got some rest. Anyway, she had a few seizures during the IvIg, which was disheartening, but really, given her day and her med situation, I wasn't too surprised. We got out of there after five o'clock - the last two hours were rough, and she didn't like being tethered to a pole on a short leash, unable to leave the unit. She got to have her blessed Happy Meal on the way home - poor girl earned that one and then some. We're scheduled to have Ivig again in three weeks, and three weeks after that, etc. etc. We're praying it helps control these seizures.

Lola also had an EEG last week, and a neuro appt. We changed meds (well, we're tapering off one, and up on another) from Divalproex Sodium to Topamax. We still think, in the back of our minds, that these seizure meds are responsible for the seizures - all starting with Trileptal. Our neuro told us that this med caused the atonic seizures - she said that once the med was gone, the seizures would be gone. ??? Anyway, yeah. So I've cut her pm epival dose by one pill, and so far so good - decreased seizures. Now who knows, b/c we have to bring the Topamax up very slowly, so she's on a tiny pm dose of that for now.

While we were at the neurologist's, she said that she'd been consulting with another neuro who reads the EEGs. She said he'd mentioned Lennox-Gastaut, which threw me instantly into panic mode. I'd read about it before, and when I went home I read about it for hours and hours. Though she doesn't believe Lola has this, it's worth mentioning that another neuro sees similarities in her EEGs that coincide with LGS. We should know more on that April 7 when we see our neuro again.

So there you go - the reason for my non-existent posts. I'm so tired of worrying. It's hard to stay hopeful some days. Lola seems to know when we're at our lowest - several times today, when asked her name, she smiled and replied, "Yaya" with enthusiasm. Yaya is what she called herself before she got sick - Yaya Exy. Pray for a break for this kid, will ya?