Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lola's getting the party started!

After Liam's Advent Celebration at school.

Happy New Year, everyone! (crickets...)

It's been quite a year of ups and downs, but currently we're riding an up. Lola's recovering from croup (down), but right now she's sassy, mischievous, and definitely full of beans (up) and ready to party. We had a nice, quiet Christmas with Grampa Ed, Uncle Sean, Julia and Leafy. We went to see the Festival of Lights Christmas night. It's been unseasonably warm here - like above zero. So much for a white Christmas - sure, there's some snow kicking around, but it's pretty gross looking.

We have so much to be thankful for as we approach 2012. Lola is slowly kicking seizures to the curb. She still has smaller ones throughout the day, but for now (hopefully for good) we are being spared the big, tonic/tonic-clonic seizures which leave her wiped out for the day. We haven't seen one of those since early November. Now that Banzel is fully onboard, we've begun the valproic acid wean - so far so good! We're just so amazed by our girl - and thankful for the good days. She's growing up so fast - all of a sudden, it seems. She still loves to snuggle, go outside (if anyone leaves the house without her, she melts into a puddle on the floor or screams and cries and stomps her feet.), play with her ipad, listen to music, watch Roll Play, youtube videos, and tons of Treehouse.

Liam loves having Grampa Ed visiting - they've played countless hours of Monopoly and various board games, and Liam has introduced Grampa to wii bowling and other video games. Liam's also teaching Grampa how to use his new ipad - he made sure Grampa had angry birds and a few other "necessities" for when he heads back to Ottawa. Riley loves being walked everyday and basically being spoiled. And Lola - what a girl - she has Grampa wrapped around her finger. She brings him books and sits with him/in his lap, and makes him chase after her as she goes from one bit of trouble to the next.....laughing the whole time. It's been a really fun visit.

Steve and I are heading to Vegas on Monday - I'm so nervous! We've never been away from the kids. Even though Grampa's here for Liam, and Dora's here for Lola - I'm trying not to freak out. It's only for three days - OMG THREE WHOLE DAYS WITHOUT THE KIDS?? Breathe....breathe. I'm sure I'll be fine once I'm there....

Okay, well Lola's been as naughty as possible while I've written this post in her room. She thinks it's funny to dump her humidifier on the floor and climb up on top of her play kitchen. She likes the part where I rescue her as she's teetering on the edge of disaster - that's funny stuff apparently!

Happy New Year! Here's to an amazing 2012 full of health, happiness and all the good stuff!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Better Days...

I'm afraid to jinx things, but Lola's been doing quite well on the new med: Banzel. We will start to wean her valproic acid on Dec 23. I'm scared, but hopeful. It will be nice to have her on one less med. Speaking of that - we'll likely be able to lose carnitine as well. One less pill in the med container is always a good thing.
With the decrease in seizures, we see a sweeter, calmer, more "industrious" little girl. Okay, she's a bit of a troublemaker. In fact, last week she threw her tv onto the floor with Daddy a foot away from her. She puts her toybox on her bed, and throws her play kitchen on its side. She empties her closet every chance she gets. See....busy. Her mornings start out a bit rough - lots of crying following her morning bath. We figure it's a combination of a few things: not liking the transition from warm to cold, being tired (she usually naps after breakfast), knowing mommy's leaving for work, and adjusting to med changes. The last one is a biggie. So just for fun, here's a rundown of Lola's day:
6:15 awake - Mom feeds me breakfast in bed (bringing her downstairs into a bright kitchen, etc. wasn't helping her seizures any - now it's just a habit) along with my morning meds.
6:30 - I'm in the tub. If mom tries to distract me, I freak out. I know the drill. I hold mom's hand, she walks me to the bathroom, I lift up my arms and help take off my pj bottoms.
7:00 - I'm likely still in the tub. It's how I roll. I have a whole routine of mermaid stunts, etc. (It's pretty funny. I should videotape her while she's in there - in a bathing suit or something.)
7:01 - Now I'm crying, whining, and basically freaking out. Not sure why, but mom doesn't know what I want, which frustrates me more. I don't want to get out, and I'll move as far away from her reach as I can. But then I do want out. Or do I. At any rate, mom gets sick of the game, and out I get.
7:10 - I'm in my pink, fuzzy bathrobe in my room with mom. We're watching cartoons, and we have the lights out because I don't like bright things in the morning. Now the sound is bugging me so we turn off the cartoons too. I'm crying - no tears, but I'm mad about something. We snuggle, put some Adele on the ipad, and mom and I do some puzzles with the "whimsy" app. This calms me down.
7:30 - Dora comes into my room and we hang out for a while. Mom goes to work.
8:30 - naptime
9:30 - snacktime (BLT salad - yes, still on ketogenic diet)
9:45 - downstairs with Dora - she does some chores and tidies the kitchen while I'm in my chair.
10:00 - back up in my room. I like it in there. Lots of toys. Comfy bed with soft blankets and lots of pillows. TV playing all my favorite shows. My ipad. Did I mention toys? Oh yeah, and Dora's here - I love her.
11:45ish - lunchtime
12:30 - Deannie's here to take me to school! We go in her car and meet our friends. We do circle time, go to the dance studio and the mcdonald's playroom, we read books and play dinosaurs. Everybody loves me here. My teachers are Miss Candice and Mrs. Shelley. Deannie gets a workout keeping up with me - sometimes I like to pull the fire alarm.
3:30 - I say goodbye to Deannie and hello to Dora. I will see Deannie tomorrow afternoon. I love Deannie too - even though sometimes she makes me do work and things I don't want to do. She is awesome.
4:00 - I'm back in the tub. This time, I'm not crying when it's time to get out. I'm just playing playing playing. Flipping around, playing with drips of water, filling cups with water.
4:30 - Daddy's home!
5:00 - suppertime and Liam's home! Mommy will be home soon too. For the rest of the night we hang out, read books, play, listen to brother chat about his day, look at youtube videos on the ipad (I like the chipettes, brother likes the Narwhals song, so I like that one too. We like Kittens inspired by Kittens, and Evian rollerbabies).
7:00 - snacktime and meds. Now I'm snuggling anybody within a two foot radius and giving very big hugs and kisses. We're watching TV in my room.
8:00 - bedtime routine. I need my night night turtle (gift from Grampa Ed - it's a turtle that projects stars onto the ceiling), my music (ipod and speaker bear), my bunny, and my kitty (the most disgusting stuffed animal around - so nasty looking). Oh, and my mom. I really need her at bedtime. We like to snuggle and give kisses. About a million kisses. I don't like it when my mom rolls over and surfs facebook under the blankets. I pull her hair until she rolls back over and I put my arm under her head. More kisses. We talk sometimes. I am the most vocal at bedtime when everything's calm and I have no distractions. I say "mmmmmmm" and "mmmmommm" because I know it makes mommy very happy. We talk about my day, and mom asks about thirteen questions. She's very curious about my day. I answer in smiles, serious looks, and sometimes sounds or laughs. I'm getting tired now. Mommy says she loves me and that I'm her best girlfriend, her nubbington bear, and her potatobug. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
11:00 - Daddy's turn! After having a few hours off to watch tv and surf the web, Daddy's back to sleep in my bed for the night. He is allowed in here because he doesn't snore. Mommy, on the other hand, keeps me awake. Daddy is on seizure patrol for the night. Mommy watches us on the video nightcam, which is kind of creepy. I snuggle close to daddy because I'm pretty sure he likes to share his pillow. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What a girl.