Friday, May 22, 2009

Lola's been in a better mood this week (except for last night!) and they really noticed this new trend at therapy on Tuesday. I got to go this week, so it was nice to see what they've been up to. They also filled me in on their plans, exercises, etc. I sat her down on the mat, she said, "Hi" to one of the girls and then with a big smile on her face, started playing with toys. She was very interactive, which was so great to see. In true Lola form, she threw a pretty big tantrum whenever they tried to get her to do something she didn't want to do. Hope those rooms are sound-proofed. Then she fell asleep sitting up! What a kid. Next time we go, they're going to try her out in a standing frame (at my request). I think she'll do really well with it. When we stand her up, she can take quite a bit of her weight on her own - very strong girl.

Liam's been doing really well at baseball with Daddy. Yesterday as Steve was leaving, I saw him put something into his pocket - I said, "Is that the mini-broom for camping?" Apparently Steve needed it for brushing off home plate. Hilarious. Just like the big league. Liam's driving us insane with Pokemon cards lately. He's also very much looking forward to going to Sarnia in the summer. He asks "how much longer" about 5 times a day.

I should get going - we're painting the entire theatre floor in neon squares today (for Hairspray - goes up next week!) so that should be fun.


  1. So cute.Theo is all about wrestling cards and deosn't even watch the stuff. Boys and cards...then it graduates to cars and then girls!!! OYE!

    Glad to see things are going well.

    Good luck with Hairspray next week.

    Almost done for the year..get out your own hairspray - you're going home! oxxo

  2. he can come now if he wants..Aunt P loves little boys at her house..

  3. just wrote a big long comment and i always have trouble posting on here. this is a test.
