....and to top off the standing, she fed herself mashed potatoes, carrots, banana, cheese, blueberries and CHICKEN.
You're all likely thinking I'm insane.....and I'm okay with that.
We've created this blog to answer the "How's Lola doing?" question. She's overcome meningitis, encephalitis, a five-month hospital stay,endless tests, hours of physio/OT/speech, and still, she has a smile on her face. Currently, we're battling the seizure monster - some days we don't win. She's still fighting. She's taught us so much about strength, and resiliency, and about loving our children just a little bit more.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What can I say about Lola.....
....she STOOD UP by HERSELF today.
I am in complete shock. I'm home by myself, and Steve has the camera. I was sitting on one couch, watching some lame cheerleading special, and I looked over to see Lola standing up holding onto the loveseat. She stood there for about ten seconds, and then she did it again while I was on the phone telling my sister. She is SO incredibly determined.
I think I may have dreamed this whole thing....
I am in complete shock. I'm home by myself, and Steve has the camera. I was sitting on one couch, watching some lame cheerleading special, and I looked over to see Lola standing up holding onto the loveseat. She stood there for about ten seconds, and then she did it again while I was on the phone telling my sister. She is SO incredibly determined.
I think I may have dreamed this whole thing....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
So THAT's what I'm supposed to do with food??

Since I last posted, Lola has decided to join the world of mouth-feeders. We are completely in shock...and a bit freaked out. I didn't know whom to contact (in the medical world) to give me advice - so I got in touch with one of the g-tube nurses. I said, "So, what do I do when Lola starts to eat?" She said that once Lola takes 100% of her food/liquid/meds by mouth for three months, we would let them know and the surgeon would see her to discuss removal. The thought of that makes me want to scream out loud - It would be amazing. So Tuesday at dinner, we let Lola experiment with different pureed foods on her high chair tray. She was licking her fingers and trying to put everything on the tray in her mouth. Then I tried her sippy cup, and while she certainly didn't suck anything out of it, she did swallow the juice. She drank a couple of ounces. Liquids are a big deal because they're so "fast" - which could cause her to choke or aspirate - we don't want that. The next morning, we thought we'd try some rice cereal and fruit - she ate the whole bowl! Then for supper that night, Leni cooked up some leftover steak, potatoes and peas, pureed it in the blender - and she ate the whole bowlful again! Today I made her oatmeal (the package kind that Liam eats) mixed with some pears - she did pretty well but the chunks were kind of gross for her. Tonight at supper, she had a Leni special again - ate it all!!! Seriously amazing.
My goal is to have her completely tube weaned by the end of September (after I meet with the dietician to discuss the course of action), which would make her tube free by the end of the year. I'm afraid that by typing that out, I've jinxed us. Wish us luck!
The other pictures are of Lola and her music therapist, Melanie - she is amazing and Lola loves her music therapy sessions. She's really doing well and usually brings her big smiles to the sessions.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Phew - we made it home in one piece. That was a LONG trip back - it took us close to 13 hours, with several stops. This time, Liam threw up on the windy road, and Lola cried the entire two hours. She was not very impressed on this long ride, however she perked up when we stopped at a park and let them out of the car.
Lola is now trying to stand by herself. Seriously, she wants to give us all heart attacks. She just puts her one foot under her and presses up on her hands. If she stood up, she wouldn't have the control in her ankles to support herself (yet). She's going to need crash mats everywhere! She has also started to feed herself - just those little baby puff things, but it's a HUGE start. She doesn't want to be fed, but if she does it herself, she does just fine with it. We are so excited about this latest improvement!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Vancouver Aquarium/Whistler

We've been having a great time out West, despite the brutal weather. Steve has been getting in some biking and ATVing, I've been doing some shopping, Lola's been going for some fun stroller rides and a trip to Vancouver Aquarium, and Liam's been loving his time at day camp, spending time swimming and biking, etc. It's been really fun.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Cruising along
Lola had a bit of a rough week with a stomach bug - thanks to brother.....we ended up in emerg. Friday night, but luckily she didn't have anything serious. She is starting to get back to her sassy self now. Tonight she had music therapy, and she was banging the drum with Liam, playing the bells, and generally having a blast. Melanie is so patient with Liam - and Lola just loves her.
After laying low for about a week, Lola is now doing all kinds of things. She does these breakdancing-type moves where she goes on her knees, then rolls onto her bum, then does the same thing - so that she goes in a big circle. She can also CRAWL now, and she can sit up from a lying down position. These are all HUGE developments, which she's working on like crazy. We've been working on getting her to stand using the couch for support - and she does very well holding her weight on her own. She can kneel, then push up on her knees. I should really be taking more videos because some of these things defy description (like the breakdancing). Liam is loving this more playful side of Lola - and he rolls around all over the place right with her, laughing his head off. It's amazing what a difference a week makes!
We're heading to Whistler tomorrow for ten days. We're hoping to get Lola in the pool lots, and outside lots because she loves looking around at all the people and different sights. Hopefully she doesn't mind the 9+ hours in the van....yikes.
After laying low for about a week, Lola is now doing all kinds of things. She does these breakdancing-type moves where she goes on her knees, then rolls onto her bum, then does the same thing - so that she goes in a big circle. She can also CRAWL now, and she can sit up from a lying down position. These are all HUGE developments, which she's working on like crazy. We've been working on getting her to stand using the couch for support - and she does very well holding her weight on her own. She can kneel, then push up on her knees. I should really be taking more videos because some of these things defy description (like the breakdancing). Liam is loving this more playful side of Lola - and he rolls around all over the place right with her, laughing his head off. It's amazing what a difference a week makes!
We're heading to Whistler tomorrow for ten days. We're hoping to get Lola in the pool lots, and outside lots because she loves looking around at all the people and different sights. Hopefully she doesn't mind the 9+ hours in the van....yikes.
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