Since I last posted, Lola has decided to join the world of mouth-feeders. We are completely in shock...and a bit freaked out. I didn't know whom to contact (in the medical world) to give me advice - so I got in touch with one of the g-tube nurses. I said, "So, what do I do when Lola starts to eat?" She said that once Lola takes 100% of her food/liquid/meds by mouth for three months, we would let them know and the surgeon would see her to discuss removal. The thought of that makes me want to scream out loud - It would be amazing. So Tuesday at dinner, we let Lola experiment with different pureed foods on her high chair tray. She was licking her fingers and trying to put everything on the tray in her mouth. Then I tried her sippy cup, and while she certainly didn't suck anything out of it, she did swallow the juice. She drank a couple of ounces. Liquids are a big deal because they're so "fast" - which could cause her to choke or aspirate - we don't want that. The next morning, we thought we'd try some rice cereal and fruit - she ate the whole bowl! Then for supper that night, Leni cooked up some leftover steak, potatoes and peas, pureed it in the blender - and she ate the whole bowlful again! Today I made her oatmeal (the package kind that Liam eats) mixed with some pears - she did pretty well but the chunks were kind of gross for her. Tonight at supper, she had a Leni special again - ate it all!!! Seriously amazing.
My goal is to have her completely tube weaned by the end of September (after I meet with the dietician to discuss the course of action), which would make her tube free by the end of the year. I'm afraid that by typing that out, I've jinxed us. Wish us luck!
The other pictures are of Lola and her music therapist, Melanie - she is amazing and Lola loves her music therapy sessions. She's really doing well and usually brings her big smiles to the sessions.
this is crazy and wonderful news! it's all happening so quickly (ok not so quickly for you guys) but i mean all of a sudden she's taking off bigtime. what a relief to know she has that reflex going on. getting the feeding tube out will be an incredible relief i'm sure.
ReplyDeleteLola Rocks!!! xo
Lola you crack me up! You must need to hose her down when she's done. atta girl!