Lola had a visit to her Pediatrician this afternoon, and we have set up a videofluoroscopy test (swallow study), a follow-up with her GI to discuss g-tube removal (pending results of test), an appointment to discuss possible orthotics for her right foot which seems to roll in a bit, and I think that's about it. Leni had Lola all dressed up in the cutest outfit, with her hair in braids with big ladybug barrettes that Mickey got her when she was in the hospital. So cute! Lola was so excited to go to the doctor's - until she realized why we were there. She gave the ladies at the desk a big grin, then came time to get weighed/measured. For the past ten or so months, this has involved me getting weighed first, then holding Lola, then subtracting my weight. And for height, she had to lie down. Well, today she stood on the scale all by herself like a big girl, and then stood at the wall and had her height taken! She was so cute when they slid the ruler down on her head - she scrunched up her neck and smiled. She did this a few times before they could get it. So my girl now weighs 16.5 kg (36.37 pounds) and is 99.5 cm tall (3 feet 2 and a bit). So she's 86th percentile for weight, and 76th for height. Not bad for eating 100% orally! She's holding her own nicely! So Lola walked into the appointment holding my hand. Let me tell you, that was the best feeling in the world. This dr. is replacing Lola's ped. while she's on maternity leave, but we saw her while we were inpatients. She hasn't seen Lola since January, and was shocked by the transformation. Lola was none too cooperative once we got into her office, however. She did NOT want to have her lungs/heart listened to at all, and she did not like being examined. Crabby girl! She promptly fell sound asleep in the van as soon as we were out of there. I think I should start to take her fun places - everytime I take her in the van, she gets all excited, only to find out that she's getting an EEG or going to the dentist. She looks all around at the cows, and fields on the way in - very exciting. She must be like, "Uh, thanks again, mom. I really love our weekly outings to pain and misery camp."
Tomorrow, Lola gets to go to playschool with her Aide, Deannie. Isn't it cute how her Aide and her Nanny have rhyming names? So her little Nemo backpack is all packed up with her princess lunchbox for snacktime. So cute.
Oh, and I tried all night to upload the video, but it's over a minute long (that's right - that means Lola was walking/standing for that long). Anybody have any suggestions?
aw, what an amazing journey and what an amazing story! i shouldn't be surprised at what Lola has accomplished. her determination is just so darned awesome. what a feeling that must have been to be able to hold her hand and walk into that appt. you've sure been on a ride this last almost year (holy cow!)but little Lolly has proven herself over and over again and i have no doubt it's going to keep continuing. way to go little bubba. all of us love all of you!!!