Well, we're in holiday mode starting today, except for Liam who has school until Wednesday at noon. That should give me some time to get my shopping done! Lola's school has wound down for the break, and she had a pretty good week of learning. How she is learning among all these drop seizures is beyond me, but she's doing just great.
We saw the neurologist this week, and she said that although Lola's EEG looked "better" she is still seeing seizures on it. This would explain the falling she's been doing. Poor girl. The other morning I counted 25 drops to the floor before I left for work. It's so sad to watch. The neuro thinks we can get this under control by upping her Keppra, because apparently we have her on a fairly low dose. We're praying this works so that she can play and run around without all the wipe-outs.
Lola is starting to make more sounds, and to string different things together. Today she said, "no thanks" twice - plain as day, when I offered her some cheerios. She said it while pushing away the bowl. She's also been saying "Santa" "dadda" and "bub" (bubby/Liam). If I ask her to say "Mama" she'll say "DADA" and laugh at me. What a bum. She's been very snuggly lately, and also really clingy as I am heading to work.
She's really starting to notice the Christmas decorations and lights but she hasn't attacked the tree yet - just taken down an ornament or two. This week she did some crafts with Deannie and they look pretty cute.
Okay, somebody's up from her nap and ready to terrorize. Gotta go!
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