Letting us know it's all okay - she's still her sassy little self under the Beetlejuice impersonation...

Closing her eyes to give us the full, pathetic effect.

Okay, I swear I'm not getting a kick out of my daughter's misery - but check out how different her face looks a day later. Crazy.
She's doing much better - still having seizures from time to time, but they're much shorter, and less violent. We are still waiting to see the neuro on the 6th, so we are temporarily in a holding pattern with the crummy meds with Clonazepam to help get rid of the atonic seizures in the meantime. It's frustrating, considering the other meds are the ones causing the damn things in the first place. sigh. She's getting her sass back though, which is the main thing.
Oh Gillian...poor girl...but as usual just a Trooper through the whole event!!That little Gal can sure take alot and keep on going!