Liam is having the time of his life - truly the best summer ever. First he got to hang out with Grampa Ed and go to the zoo, science center, and have every second of his day occupied with things that he wanted to do - then he spent a week in Whistler with Daddy - climbing walls, bike parks, hot tubs, gondola rides, movies - see a pattern? From there he went to stay at a cottage with all of us plus Aunt Pubba, Uncle Lipper, and Zac and Jared (who are the coolest kids ever according to Liam). After ten days of starfish, crabs, fishing, paddleboats and swimming, he flew to Ontario with the Lippers. He spent a week swimming, going to the beach, being spoiled by Grama and Grampa - playing chess, going to movies, swimming, learning to tie his shoes, and eating ice cream cones, etc. Now he's at Camp Olympia, which is a sports camp that I spent many a summer at as a kid - it is an amazing place in Hunstville, Ontario, and currently several members of my family spend a week (or the entire summer) each summer coaching at the camp (Grampa, Grama, Uncle Daryl, Aunt Faye, Uncle Lipper, Aunt Pubba, Uncle Mike, Trevor, Jared - with Chrissy and Kelsie working all summer as counsellors). Liam is having a blast - he's doing Baseball this week, and his coach is Uncle D. He's enjoying running from place to place, getting to go to the Tuck Shop three times a day ("and you don't even pay any money - I just say "Jared Lippiatt" and I get whatever I want!"), ringing the bell for dinner, playing badminton, watching movies, hanging out with kids his age - heaven for Liam. He doesn't miss us at all! Lola, on the other hand, misses Bubby terribly. Whenever we say his name, she freaks out and cries. This morning, she went into his room (usually off limits...but we're trying to air out the paint smell) and put her face down on his bed - she stayed there for about a minute, then sighed deeply, got up and walked out. So sad! She'll be happy to have him back.
While Liam's been gone, I decided to spruce up his room. And by "spruce" I mean "gut". It took me a day just to clean and sort every little piece of crap he'd collected. He now has a cool bike themed room, which makes Daddy a wee bit envious. We're waiting for the pics of him on his bike in Whistler to be developed, and then we'll frame those and hang them by his bed....then it's done! Pictures to follow once we get the photos hung.
Lola's had a good week. Her big seizures have disappeared (almost afraid to say that) - she's still having drops, but they are less intense, and usually following/preceeding sleep. She's sleeping better at night too, which could help too. She goes for ivig tomorrow - hoping it only takes one poke. Lola's been working on going down stairs on her own, or with a little bit of help. She now walks downstairs holding onto the railing, or onto my hand. She's been working really hard on this skill - she's getting there. She's also started to use her "helper hand" in a more purposeful manner. She's always used her right hand to support her weight, to help her climb on things, etc. but she won't use it to read a book, hold her cup, etc. Lately, she's been trying to read books standing up, etc. and we can see her right hand sneaking over to help - it's amazing to see!
Steve has been spending hours each night working on the Western Cup (aka Lola's bike race) - it's going to be quite an event. We will be heading up to Kicking Horse on August 26 for the weekend. Steve has arranged for the event photographer to spend some time photographing Lola, which is so cool. She also has a photo shoot with Uncle Sean next week - in the canola fields. I hope she cooperates!
So that's what we've been up to. We miss Liam so very much, but we know he's having much more fun in Ontario than he would be here. sniff.
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