Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to School!

Lola all ready to go for her first day of school. She's mad because she had to get her hair done.
This is Deannie - taking Lola to school. It's a great shot because Lola just conquered going down stairs like this this summer. Check out her high-top sneakers that Papa got her!

I love this picture for so many reasons. This is outside the hospital last Friday after Lola's ivig treatment. We've never stopped to play here before, but today was gorgeous so we did. I remember looking at this playground, watching kids play on it and feeling so upset because my child was too sick to play. Well, miracles happen, and here she is!

Liam with his big backpack on his first day of grade two!

We take the same picture each year - the tree's growing and so is he!

It's that time of year again - where the crazies set in and the rat race starts up again. Back to school. Liam's settling into grade two nicely, with his girlfriend (finally) in his class. Although they got separated for "chitchatting" they still get to play together, which is fun. He will be starting indoor soccer shortly, which will help him burn off some energy.
Lola started back with her program at GRIT this week, with her Developmental Specialist, Deannie. Deannie is so great with Lola, and I'm excited for all the new experiences they'll have this year - because they're heading to preschool! They went on Tuesday and Lola did great! She read books, ate her snack, played, then listened to a story! I'm so proud of her.
We're still waiting to start the Ketogenic diet - we saw the neuro who oversees the diet, did our intake dietary report/food diary, and had our labs drawn at Ivig on Friday. Now we're waiting for the call and we'll be staying at the hospital for a week to get things started. I don't think Lola will enjoy being inpatient again - I'm dreading it so much. This diet's going to be tough on her for a bit - but if the end result is fewer seizures and less meds, we'll do whatever we can.

The race that Steve planned in Golden (Western Cup at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort) was a huge success. He worked so hard to plan that event, and it all paid off. Lola's account got a boost to pay for her music therapy, as well as some developmental/physio tools that we have on our wish list (we're just deciding which ones to get). Her biggest thing - she'll be getting an ipad! How exciting! I've been doing so much research on communication and special needs apps that will help her to find her voice. It's going to take us some practise to figure it out though, no doubt! Anyway, we are so thankful for the volunteers who came out to support Lola at the race - especially Theresa, Gayle, Holly, Doug, Tenzin, Thuptin and everybody else who was lucky enough to stay at our house on the mountain. Now if only we owned that sweet place. ha. We're already talking about next year!

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