There. I've said it. And waiting and being jerked around by a medical system that doesn't seem to care really bites too. We've been bounced to our third neurologist - and are still waiting to start the diet. Though we were PROMISED by neuro # 2 that we would be inpatient a month ago, our phone calls were not returned, and we didn't get that wish. A cog in a wheel. The worst part, is knowing (since June) that her meds weren't working, and that this diet could be a holistic, miraculous cure for her seizures, and not realizing how long we would have to wait to start it. For nearly six months, we've been jumping everytime the phone rings, hoping it's "the call." We're beyond frustrated. Meds aren't working, ivig isn't doing anything anymore either, and Lola continues to seize several times each day. It sucks to reprimand Liam for (god forbid) making a noise, dropping a spoon, or even laughing too loudly, as it causes his sister to have a seizure. Have you ever seen someone experience a seizure? I'm sure you can imagine it's not fun to watch - especially if you're seven.
So there you have it. Vent over.
Aside from all that, Lola continues to press on - move forward - change and grow. She's doing well at playschool, and has been doing lots of stuff in Physio (stepping over toys, transitioning between surfaces outdoors without falling, etc), OT (accepting hand over hand guidance, potty learning, etc), and Speech (saying "all done" "more" "duck" "quack" and sometimes "mom"). She's got quite the sense of humour, and loves anything to do with potty humour, loves to be teased and to play games. She continues to love music and dancing and will spontaneously bust a move to a commercial - it's pretty cute. She's begun to isolate her index finger to point, which is fantastic for using the ipad. She loves the ipad, when she can wrestle it away from Liam. She knows it's hers, and will carry the case for it around and try to locate the actual ipad. Since she's the biggest toddler on the planet, she can reach things on the counter no problem. She's frequently in destructo mode - she cruises around the kitchen pulling random things to the floor, emptying the garbage, and basically creating mayhem wherever she goes. Last week Liam and I were in the living room and heard a loud crash...and a cry. We ran to the kitchen to see that Lola had pulled a huge ceramic cannister of flour onto her little foot! I thought she would have broken her foot - or at the very least, the thing of flour. Nope. Sure there was flour all over the kitchen, but she was fine after a snuggle. Crazy kid. She loves to run full speed from one end of the house to the other - not sure why, but she does it several times a day.
I think that's about it for Lola.
Liam's doing indoor soccer, trying to follow the rules at school (read: leave his Pokemon cards at home so that they don't get taken away...), and learning to realize that rules at home are just as important. Seven's a strange age. He has a girlfriend at school, and he loves her to death. He frequently brings home little notes, or will tell me the little jokes they created together. It's pretty cute.
Enjoy the Halloween pics - the magician and the bunny. Liam performed card tricks upon command, as he quickly realized that doing so would cause him to get double the candy. Lola climbed into the wagon as soon as we got outside, and was content to ride along while brother collected the treats. Liam sold me his candy for 20 bucks, which he promptly spent on Pokemon cards, a harmonica and a replica of a bear's claw. (after the time spent in the dentist's chair this fall, we didn't need him eating all that candy - I took it to school and gave (most of it) to my students.
i agree Gill - that just plain sucks. that little lady (and all of you) have had enough. the amazing part about it all is that it doesn't stop little Lola from marching forward. she doesn't give up. love you all. xo