Okay, so I haven't been the best blogger lately. In my defense, I've been kinda busy. Lame excuse, but it's my blog so I can do things like that.
Lola is still on the ketogenic diet. It's still not enough food for her, and it's still a rough go. That being said, since adding the MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride oil - to boost ketones) and upping her ratio to 3.75 (which means even fewer carbs/protein), we're finally seeing some results. We are seeing a reduction in seizures, and she's just all-around happier. She's been quite vocal lately, and has been making some nice gains in her various therapies. She's just finishing off her second year with GRIT, and her first year of preschool. Aside from the seizures, she's had a great year. She loves Deannie (her Developmental Specialist/Aide through GRIT), and Dora (her caregiver) and is well-loved and taken care of while we're at work. Her new favorite hang-out is in her room - I don't blame her...it's pretty cool in there. She still loves to snuggle and give really big kisses. She also enjoys dismantling the entire main floor - nothing is safe and she's got a pretty decent reach. I put her in time- out the other day because she threw Riley's ceramic dog bowl across the kitchen. The look on her face was priceless....like I didn't realize that we aren't supposed to time=out a princess. Funny, sassy girl.
Liam is busy wrapping up second grade. He can't get enough of being outdoors, after a looooong winter cooped up inside. He's playing baseball again this year (well, when it's not raining, that is). We went on a field trip to the Children's Festival, and it rained the entire day. Did I mention it's an outdoor festival? Fun. He was so happy to have me chaperone the trip and sit with him on the bus - aka the "cheesewagon." He's already got a nice tan going, and is anxiously awaiting our trip to Ontario this summer. He will spend a week at Camp Olympia with Grama and Grampa and Jared, a couple of weeks at Aunt Pub and Uncle Lipper's, and then he heads to Ottawa with Grampa Ed. He's a lucky boy who's going to have an amazing summer!
Steve is working hard to prepare for Lola's bike race which takes place in August. He basically has everything done so far in advance that he is just marking time until registration opens. It's going to be an amazing event - hope the weather's better than last year!
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