Another busy week over! Tuesday Lola went for her swallow study, and it was an interesting day, for sure. She aced the first part of the test - we went into this little "kitchen" and Lola sat at the table and snacked away. The problem was, she didn't want two bites - she wanted twenty - and that part of the test wasn't for another our and a half. Sigh. So they watched her eat stuff, and she did well. Then we terrorized the halls of the hospital for awhile, waiting for our next appointment. We ran into several of Lola's former therapists and nurses, and Lola decided to show off her walking and jogging skills. They were all in shock and disbelief. It was great to see their reactions. So - we got into the x-ray suite and Lola got strapped into this chair. She was not very happy. This turned even uglier when she saw what they did to her precious goldfish crackers, cheese, and grapes. It was all coated in barium, and she wouldn't touch it. It was pretty disgusting - I certainly wouldn't eat it! The white junk was all over our hands, all over Lola's clothes and face. What a mess. At any rate, she didn't mind it in her chocolate milk and pudding, so they got some "beautiful" swallows on the x-ray. We haven't heard the result yet, but we do know that they wanted to see her handle all textures, which she refused. Not sure what's next??
We contacted our neurologist this week to let her know that Lola has been having what look to be atonic/drop seizures. This is a concern, because when she falls, she falls quite hard - they even put a helmet on her at school!:( How pathetic! And I guess it was too small for her too, so she didn't like that too much. We don't know what's causing them, but it does coincide with her seizure med (Trileptal) increase. Maybe that's the problem? Anyway, she is now booked into a 4 hour EEG on Tuesday, which should be a blast with a three year old who doesn't like to stay in one place. All she wants to do is run around (like most 3 year olds). They've told me to bring snacks and toys because she has to sit on a bed the entire time. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. This is going to go really well. Let's just hope they catch what she's been doing on the EEG.
Other than that, she's still amazing us day by day. She's doing great with her eating, she's doing really well in music therapy, she's working hard with her Developmental Specialist daily, and we're so proud of her. Liam has started to like hanging out with his sister again, and loves to read to her in her room before bed. He also likes to pelt her with stuffed animals and bonk her with pillows too - maybe there's a connection? At any rate, it's great to see them interact again. They love each other so much.
Okay, I should see what she's up to. It's pretty quiet in the living room...
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