Well, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year. Of course, I'm also drawn to reminiscing about last year, as Lola was perfectly healthy as we celebrated Thanksgiving. That won't do me any good though. Today I set the table for six: four Exleys, and two Mellises (Uncle Sean, and Cousin Kevin) - Lola will be sitting at the table with us in a booster seat, which I'm sure she'll really enjoy. It was so cool to be able to put her Winnie the Pooh placemat, little plate, and spoon and fork - I dreamed about her eating again, and now it's a reality. So she'll sit right between Mom and Dad, and will likely make a huge mess. She's too big for the highchair (and I've already got it all cleaned and ready to sell, and I'm not doing that again!) so we're trying out a cool new booster. I hope it does the trick. I'll try to remember to take some pictures!
Lola goes for her swallow study tomorrow morning, so wish us luck! If she passes this, she should be well on her way to having the tube removed. It's really just a safety net/minor annoyance for us now - always making sure she hasn't pulled it, doesn't have any granulation tissue, keeping it clean, etc. I can't wait to see her new tummy with two belly buttons. So at the study, she'll eat a variety of foods dipped in barium - then she's x-rayed in a special chair to see what's going on. We're pretty relieved she doesn't have to have the old cameradownthenose test again. I'm not sure that would go over so well at this point in her recovery. I'll keep you posted.
Other than that, both kids are getting over colds, and Liam was diagnosed with asthma. So two inhalers later, he's feeling so much better. It's so freaking cold here right now - like in the negative double-digits cold. Brrrrr.
Okay, I should keep cooking!
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!