Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still amazed...

We got home late last night, and the flight was not fun at all. Picture one kid recovering from the stomach flu (Liam) up past his bedtime, and one whose carseat basically touched the seat ahead of ours who decided to kick the heck out of it the ENTIRE FLIGHT! Oh wait, she also peed her pants twice - right through to said seat. sigh. We made it - but just barely.

Today we had appointments at the hospital with the seating clinic to discuss possibilities for a wheelchair for Lola. I guess I'm just not *there* yet. Call it denial, whatever - but I'm going to hold off on ordering one just yet. They could not believe she was the same kid they fitted for a kidcart in December. She was scooting around the floor, playing with toys, etc. They said that she just needs a way to get around, and that she fully supports herself in her stroller. So that's the way we're going for now. We also got measured today for a standing frame. The thing is huge, and I'm sure Liam will spend countless hours in it.

Just a few minutes ago, I heard Steve yell, "Gill! She's walking!" - I figured he was kidding, but I ran from the kitchen anyway to see what was going on. She had been lying on the floor, and he said, "Do you want to sit up, Lola?" He tried to put her in a sitting position by holding onto her hands, but she stood right up and took several steps (across our living room). What a kid! Her feet weren't turned on their sides - she just looked like a baby taking her first steps.

She loves to keep us on the edge of our seats!!


  1. Wow that is awesome. Must have been all that "fresh" Sarnia air. :)

  2. She knows the doctors plan and like a true diva(like her mum) she will call the shots. If they say wheelchair, she says ...then I will walk then. Keep it up. I am amazed and moved to tears all the time with you Exleys.

    Keep it up and hope Liam is over his tummy flu.

  3. Wow Gillian...every time I check in for updates you have such awesome news to share...good for you for listening to the Docs but sticking to your faith and belief in your Lola!!

    Never mind spidy senses...Mommy Senses rule!! xo
