Sunday, July 18, 2010

Okay, seriously...

So Lola's down (but not out) with a tummy bug. I took her into emerg. last night because I was reading terrible things about her med interactions and liver damage. Since she went downhill so rapidly, I thought it best to take her in. We were seen pretty quickly, then she spiked a 40 degree fever, then they tried (in vane) to get an IV started, then they gave her 4 pokes to take blood. End of story: her liver enzymes are fine, and her valproic acid levels were within therapeutic range. They really wanted a urine sample, but Lolly wouldn't give it up - then she had a blow-out code brown - it was insane. I pushed the call button twice, and nobody came - so I somehow got her cleaned up, urine bag removed (you can imagine what that was full of by this point), etc. Fun. The Dr. came in and the smell hit him like a ton of bricks. Wow. It was intense. Anyway, long story longer, tummy bug. So she's sipping Pedialyte and ate half a banana and a few goldfish crackers today. She's sleeping lots, and snuggling more. My poor sweetie.

Anyway, we're hanging out up in bed - for the past two days. I'm going stir crazy. I snuck downstairs to make a sandwich - felt so decadent. Hopefully she's doing better tomorrow.

The boys are having an amazing time, as evidenced by the Facebook photos Steve's been posting. I'm living vicariously through lines, sprinkler parks, hot tubs, bike parks. Man, I miss them!

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